Chris Brown Offers Apology To Tyson Beckford’s Baby Mother, Tyson Forgives Him & Plans To Talk “Offline”

Posted May 27, 2015


Chris Brown is still apologizing for his reckless behavior this past weekend after verbally attacking Tyson Beckford and threatening him and his family. Well following last nights apology part 1 where Chris blamed his actions on being light skin, now the singer has issued a formal apology to the mother of Tyson’s child.

ChrisApologyIt seems like Tyson has no hard feelings either as he tweeted to Chris accepting his apology and offered to speak with him offline (which they should have done in the first place).


Do you think Chris’ apology is sincere or do you think he is only doing it due to the backlash he received from fans and critics over his actions?? Thoughts, Like, Comment, Share!



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