F-ing Disgusting! Hasbeen Rapper Trick Daddy Recruits & Offers To Pay “Shooter” To Kill Men In Male Rompers #rompHim

Posted May 19, 2017

This week the internet went crazy over a fashion trend that has been going on for a very long time time but seemingly seemed new, male rompers.

This week they went viral courtesy of an up and coming design team who launched a kickstarter to fund the final stages of production for their rompHIM line.

While the trend has sparked much unnecessary controversy and major discussion, it appears specifically black male masculinity is such a sensitive topic for some, that it warrants violence against those who don’t comply with the “standards” of the black male.

Hasbeen rapper, Trick Daddy took to social media in a disgusting video to enlist the help of hitmen aka “shooters” to take out men who are wearing rompers. Essentially, he is offering to pay men to commit hate crimes. Get into the disgusting video below.

The problem with this video and those like minded individuals like Trick, is that they associate this trend with homosexuality, as if straight males may not wear it.

Secondly, if it was something that was specifically geared toward the gay black male (which it was not), why does one think they have the right to hate, and most of all, KILL someone for their fashion choices, or the perception that they are gay.

Trick Daddy needs to be reported for offering to pay people to kill others, and risk their freedom and livelihood over something so ridiculous. That money could much better be used giving back to the community instead of ripping it apart and soliciting acts of hate.


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