Uh Oh: Married To Medicine BFF’s Mariah & Quad Allegedly Fight at ATL Steakhouse

Posted December 10, 2013


For fans of the popular Bravo reality show ‘Married To Medicine’  which premiered earlier this year, the season 2 premiere can’t come soon enough! Rumors have been running rampant that one time BFF’s Quad & Mariah who fans saw team up last season against the other ladies, have now taken a turn for the worst in their relationship.

Somewhere along the line the releationship has become strained and according to reports the tension finally came to ahead this week! Atlanta blogger and socialite Funky Dineva is reporting that the two ladies were involved in an altercation and there is first hand accounts of the incident. Check out the juicy deets from Dineva below:

Chile it looks like this season or Married To Medicine is going to be off the chain. I honestly was hoping that many of the off camera antics would not make it on screen, but that was wishful thinking on my part. Seeing as though much what viewers will see on camera season 2 is really happening in real life, I might as well go ahead and start spilling tea. For those of you that think the drama between Quad & Mariah is a manufactured PR stunt, TRUST ME IT IS NOT. I’ve been a witness to some of it, and there has not been a single television camera around.  That being said, Mariah & Quad had a rather magical evening at Atlanta hot spot STK  (not your daddy’s steakhouse) that ended with designer purses hitting the floor, shoes being taken off, and someone being escorted out of the restaurant.  Catch these T’s

Drama had been brewing for months. The he say she say had been rampant in Atlanta. It was time for it all to come to a head so all parties involved could move on with their lives like civilized adults. So we thought… Quad, Marriah, Reco Chapple and myself all arrive at STK in attempt to schedule some time for us all to sit down and discuss some things like mature adults.  The restaurant was packed to capacity and the music was loud. The Doll bought a round of drinks for everyone and decided we should move near the restrooms to speak in private. Once in the back of the restaurant, I gave a brief spiel about how STK clearly was not the place for us to talk and that we should arrange sometime later on in the week to hash things out. All parties involved agreed. During our time near the bathroom, Mariah had a hard time standing up. I was thinking to myself “damn bitch maintain”.  I’m not going to say she was drunk because I did not have a Breathalyzer in my pocket. Perhaps she had a pebble in her shoe. At the close of our conversation, Quad felt it prudent to remove Mariah’s drink from her hand. Quad handed off the drink to me and said “ one of y’all get her some water.” Mariah feeling some kind of way said to Quad “don’t worry about me, worry about Reco”.  Being a lady, and not wanting any kind of scene to break out by the restrooms, I kind of pushed Quad along to told her to go on back to the dance floor area.

Eventually we all made it back to the front of the restaurant. Qaud made her way over to me and we began to have small talk. Mariah had taken a seat a some random peoples table. The next thing I know, Mariah was nodding and appeared to be sleep. I’m not gone say she was drunk because I didn’t perform a field sobriety test, maybe she was just sleepy and trying to get in a quick power nap. I assume Reco found it more appropriate if Mariah sat at Quad’s table to rest versus some strangers non of us knew, so he escorted Mariah to a seat at Quad’s table.

Here is where ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE, The next thing I know, as Quad and I are making small talk at the front door, one of Quad’s friends interrupts our conversation and says “Quad you may want to come over here, Mariah is fussin with your neighbor.” Chile I knew no good was going to come of this and I wanted no parts, so I stayed my ass by the front door. I watched as Quad walked over to the table. The next thing I know Quad and Mariah are having and heated exchange and Mariah is whacking Quad in the back the rhythm of each syllable in her speech. At that point I began to walk over towards the table to try and break things up, but security had already beat me to it. Next thing I know, Mariah’s designer purse was on the floor and security was escorting Mariah out the restaurant. Chile… and the drama that ensued the days and weeks following this incident was equally as juicy. Ohhh and the mess is still going on to this day. Stay tuned…

Well as unfortunate as it is to hear the two ladies are not in the same place they were in season 1, we can’t say we’re not looking forward to the drama. As the first blowup on MTM definitely had everyone talking!

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