Chris Brown Claps Back at Fans Over Baby Drama & Husband of Baby Mother Speaks Out

Posted March 6, 2015


All week Chris Brown has been in the headlines over the news breaking of his new 9 month old baby girl named Royalty with a model named Nia Guzman-Amey who he cheated on Karrueche Tran with.

Now after a week Chris is finally clapping back at all the commentators on his social media who have flooded his pages and comments sections demanding a response or statement. Well Chris finally gave it and in true Breezy fashion it came with a lot of salt and shade.


Meanwhile Nia’s ex-husband Terry Amey has also come out and put in his two cents on the matter. He revealed that they were still married at the time she got pregnant by Chris and he had no idea that she had cheated on him until she started showing.


“I am the missing link,” said Terry, “because of the simple fact that I was married to her when she got pregnant.”

“I filed for divorce because Nia was pregnant, but I never did ask who the father was,” he added.

Terry and Nia had one daughter together and he says that despite the drama he has to be the bigger man and co-parent with Nia and Chris since their kids are siblings and will be raised together.

“We’ve got to push forward so that my little girl and his little girl can grow,” Amey exclusively told Bossip Thursday. “I don’t know Chris Brown, but in the upcoming days, I need to talk to him. We’re sharing something that’s important. Our two little girls.”

“I’m grateful for meeting her,” he said. “At the end of the day, he’s got a beautiful little girl, and I’ve got a beautiful little girl.”

You may have also heard about the young man named Brazil who came out claiming that he was told by Nia that he was the father of Royalty but Nia took to Instagram to shoot him down and says that he is a scam artist who is looking to capitalize off of the current story.

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[Source: Bossip/Fameolous]

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