Despite the fact that it is the most successful installment of the reality show franchise, it looks like the entire cast of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta has been given the ax following season 5 which is currently still airing.
The season 5 reunion begins shooting today Tuesday (June 28) in Atlanta, and perhaps the news is an attempt to get the cast to turn up one last time, but according to reports, the whole show is due for a complete overhaul.
That’s right, Joseline Hernandez, Stevie J, Mimi Faust, Karlie Redd..everyone is allegedly out! There has been a lot of personal drama playing out on and off camera this season between Stevie and Joseline regarding their “marriage,” as well as legal matters with some of the newer cast members.
Producers are already in the process of scouting out their season 6 cast and looking to re-brand the show with fresh faces and a new start. Neither VH1 or Mona have confirmed this news, so we will just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, are you here for a overhaul? and who would you cast for the new LHHATL?