Justin Bieber Uses N-Word While Telling Racist Joke In Leaked 2011 Footage [Video]

Posted June 1, 2014


As if things couldn’t get any worst for Justin Bieber today a video has emerged of him telling a racist joke that included him dropping the N-word five times. In the video released by The Sun newspaper in England, the singer is seen telling a joke to his friends about black people and even after his friends urge him not to finish the joke on camera he continues.

“Why are black people afraid of chainsaws?”

He continues: “Run n—–, n—–, n—–, n—–, n—–.”

The newspaper reported that the video was apparently taken during filming of the performers 2011 documentary “Never Say Never” which would mean Justin was 15 at the time. It is further reported that the footage was obtained by TMZ back then but due to his age they opted to not post it. Additionally it is reported that Justin’s team attempted to by the footage to keep it from leaking as they are aware that this will be a PR nightmare.


Photo Credit: TMZ

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