X-Factor judge Kelly Rowland is blazing the cover of the October issue of Shape Magazine. Rocking a dope sleeveless leather vest, army fatigue top and bikini bottoms, and her rock hard abs. Rowland is in top notch shape and tells how she maintains her killer body.
“I work out five or six times a week. I feel better, look better, sleep better….Being fit makes me feel sexy. Isn’t that everyone’s goal when they work out, to look good naked?”
“When I want a steak, I grill some Portobello mushrooms and put a little goat cheese on them,” “And I’ve learned to satisfy my sweet tooth by replacing Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with half a tablespoon of almond butter on half a banana.”
Rowland is also working on a workout DVD with her celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins and it is rumored that she will be re-releasing her album ‘Talk A Good Game’ in the coming months. Looking good Kels!