Nicki Minaj Fails To Tweet About Orlando Shooting, Unfollows Fan For Questioning Her Support of LGBT Community

Posted June 16, 2016


Nicki Minaj is getting a lot of backlash from her fans on Twitter after the rapper seemingly failed to Tweet anything about the Orlando shootings, and even unfollowed a fan after he questioned why she hadn’t.

The fan tweeted the following message below after seeing Nicki on social media promoting her new single.


Nicki must have gotten wind of the tweet because shortly after she unfollowed him, and he took back to Twitter to share the screenshot proof.


This then sparked fans to Tweet questioning Nicki’s lack of response and the shade she threw at her fan, considering her fan base is mostly LGBT.

Although she was silent, Nicki was apparently ‘liking’ and ‘favoriting’ tweets that co-signed that she should NOT have to speak on anything.


Nicki finally took to Twitter, to seemingly laugh off the serious matter when she issued the following tweet.

Do you think Nicki, or celebs in general are obligated or at least should tweet during tragedies such as this? especially when their primary fan base is the gay community?


2 responses to “Nicki Minaj Fails To Tweet About Orlando Shooting, Unfollows Fan For Questioning Her Support of LGBT Community”

  1. Simone says:

    I find it troubling that BET made no mention of the Orlando tragedy. Maybe I missed it, but was Orlando even given a moment of silence during the show? Homophobia in the black community continues BAU.

  2. Simone says:

    I find it troubling that BET made no mention of the Orlando tragedy. Maybe I missed it, but was Orlando even given a moment of silence during the show? Homophobia in the black community continues BAU.

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