Watch: First Official Trailer For ‘Robocop’ 2014 Remake Released

Posted September 5, 2013


Do you remember Robocop? Part man, Part machine, all cop!!? If you’re not an 80’s baby then probably not. Courtesy of Columbia Pictures comes the 2014 version of the 1987 classic. In the original, officer Alex Murphy was brutally murdered in the line of duty but was revived by a mega corporation and transformed into THE superhuman law enforcer Robocop.

The 2014 version which serves as the 4th installment to the franchise, appears to follow the same premise as the original. The movie which stars Joel Kinnaman, Abbie Cornish, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, and Samuel L. Jackson is set to hit theaters Feb 2014. You can get into the first trailer right here!!

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