Nicki Minaj unleashed the ‘Anaconda’ on Tuesday night at ‘Fashion Rocks’ for its second televised performance. The rapper was introduced by Paris Hilton and Steve Madden before delivering the song which has broken VEVO records and currently has over 140 million views on the platform.
According to Nicki, although the performance was great, there were some last minute choreography changes done by CBS:
“My darlingz, I wish you could’ve seen the choreography on the 2nd verse of ANACONDA last night,” said Nicki. “It was absolutely divine. CBS decided not to show it. Had they told us this before, we would have changed the choreo so that you guys could see the full performance from beginning to end. They already had you tuned in tho. Artists spend so much of their own money, time and passion to deliver their fans great performances. But ultimately, our art usually falls into thehands of people who care nothing about our art and creativity.”
Check out the finished product below.