Winning: Steve Harvey Recruits James Wright Chanel To Endorse His New Product “Easy Bacon”, Watch James’ Hilarious Review [Video]

Posted December 20, 2015


It looks like other celebs are trying to cash in on the marketing genius that is James Wright Chanel and I am not mad at it.

After becoming a viral sensation for his Patti Labelle pie reviews, James has now been snagged by Steve Harvey for his newest venture, “Easy Bacon“. The bacon is said to cook in under 2 minutes and has less grease then other bacon.

Well following his appearance on the “Steve Harvey Show” recently, James did a quick review of Steve’s bacon but this time on an official set. Looks like James has a bright career ahead of him, get into the video below.

In case you missed James’ interview on Steve’s show alongside Patti, watch that below.

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