Everyone set your DVR’s, ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ star Phaedra Parks is set to break her silence in an exclusive interview this Wednesday with Ellen. Following the unveiling of the season 7 trailer and all the drama that went down with she and husband Apollo Nida the southern belle will appear on the show to set the record straight about rumors and officially announce her divorce to Apollo as previously reported.
According to Ellen’s website–PHAEDRA PARKS will open up to Ellen on all recent and ongoing events surrounding her marriage! The “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star will candidly address reports on her relationship with husband Apollo, as well as her plans for life now and in the future. Phaedra is the “super sassy but always classy” attorney, mother and Southern belle who’s been taking over the ATL and captivating audiences with her colorful personality since she joined the hit reality series. It will be her first time chatting on the show, and first time setting the record straight!
It looks like Ellen won’t be the only one Phaedra opens up to, it is also being reported that Phaedra has been forced to sit in an upcoming deposition and discuss her husband’s criminal past. According to TMZ:
Phaedra will be grilled by attorneys for author Angela Stanton — who Phaedra sued for defamation. Stanton wrote a book suggesting Parks knew all about Apollo Nida‘s illegal activities. Phaedra was already deposed once in the case, but stonewalled attorneys when it came to Apollo.
Now, a judge has ordered Phaedra to sit for a 2nd deposition and answer those questions. Stanton’s lawyers say they need the info from Parks, so they can mount a proper defense in the defamation case.
Messy messy messy…if you don’t know about the whole Angela Stanton fiasco, check out the video below.